linkr develops new Bora-hansgrohe website and online shop

linkr develops new Bora-hansgrohe website and online shop

We've got some thrilling news to share! We are very excited to announce the launch of the breathtaking new BORA-hansgrohe website, fully developed and designed by our trailblazing team at linkr.

Here at linkr, we live and breathe our vision of building and supporting amazing communities that can authentically collaborate with brands. And let us tell you, the new BORA-hansgrohe website is a shining example of our vision in action. Our team poured their hearts and souls into crafting a platform that not only connects with fans but also supports the team's engagement with their sponsors and partners.

Thanks to our state-of-the-art technology, we were able to combine content and commerce in one single environment, giving the BORA-hansgrohe team a magnificent foundation on which to further grow their brand.

We want to extend a massive thank you to the amazing team at BORA-hansgrohe, including the incredible Ralph Scherzer and Daniel Pichlmüller for their invaluable insights and unwavering support. We are stoked for what the future holds and cannot wait to continue this exciting journey together!

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